Enhanced Step Explorer and More with Cognigy.AI v4.40

1 min read
Nhu Ho
Authors name: Nhu Ho December 1, 2022
Cognigy AI v4.40 - Hero-2

With Cognigy.AI v4.40, the Step Explorer in Cognigy Insights has been improved to support larger amounts of data for visualization.

Other Improvements for Cognigy.AI

Cognigy Virtual Agents

  • Improved the UX of the Voice Preview Dialog
  • Improved by updating the Webchat Widget to the latest version (v2.44.0)
  • Improved by allowing to navigate Positive/Negative confirmation words using the Enter key

Cognigy Live Agent

  • Improved by adding a raw data modal for the whisper assist and assist bot forwardable messages - allowing our customers to inspect the data they will forward for all channels Cognigy.AI supports

For further information, check out our complete Release Notes here.
