Modern Slavery Statement of Cognigy GmbH

About Cognigy

Cognigy is an enterprise software provider for Conversational AI automation. Our platform, Cognigy.AI, automates customer and employee communications. Available in on-premises and SaaS environments, Cognigy.AI enables enterprises to have natural language conversations with their users on any channel – webchat, SMS, voice and mobile apps – and in any language. Cognigy is fully committed to preventing slavery and other abuses from taking place in any of our operations, and requires the same standards from our employees, suppliers and partners.

Our Supply Chain

As an enterprise software provider, we have a limited supply chain and the majority of our suppliers provide us with technology-related services. Based on the nature of our business, workforce, and the services we provide, we consider ourselves to have a minimal risk of being involved in human trafficking, modern slavery or forced labour.

Actions Taken by Cognigy to Prevent Modern Slavery

To meet our commitment to preventing modern slavery and in compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, Cognigy undertakes the following actions:


  • Ensures that our HR departments across the globe promote safe and fair working conditions, high ethical standards, and responsibly manage social issues.
  • Maintains internal policies that uphold such values, including an equal rights policy and Code of Conduct that are committed to respecting the rights of all our employees. Copies of these are available on the employee Hub.
  • Requires all employees to acknowledge that they have received, read and understood these policies and that they agree to comply with them. Further confirmation is required for any policy updates that are made.
  • Provides mandatory training and refresher training on our Code of Conduct for all employees.
  • Operates a whistleblowing hotline, which enables employees to report any concerns about Cognigy’s practices, including any circumstances that may give rise to an enhanced risk of slavery or human trafficking.
  • Expects all suppliers to adhere to all applicable laws and regulations including by not engaging in any form of human trafficking, modern slavery or forced labour.