Enhanced Enterprise Access Control and More with Cognigy.AI v4.69

2 min read
Nhu Ho
Authors name: Nhu Ho February 8, 2024

The newest release of Cognigy.AI introduces more flexibility in role-based access control, improved error handling for Voice Gateway, among others.

Added Global Roles for Support Purposes

Cognigy.AI offers granular access control, including a variety of Global and Access Roles to facilitate effective enterprise administration. Global Roles, applicable across all Agent Projects, now include three new types tailored for your support personnel, enhancing troubleshooting without compromising control.

  • Full Support Users: Providing Admin-equivalent privileges, excluding the user management capabilities. As such, individuals with this role cannot assign Agent Projects or global roles to other users.
  • Basic Support Users: Granting full access for project setup, error analysis and debugging permissions, However, it provides read-only access to a broad array of features (Endpoints, Connections, Flows, etc.) and explicitly restricts access to technical connections (OData and API), user management roles, and Knowledge AI.
  • Project Assigners: Aimed at users who require the ability to assign Agent Projects to themselves and others, with strict limits on technical access and operational functionalities.

Note that multiple roles can be assigned to the same user.

Enhanced Error Handling in Voice Gateway

Voice Gateway now provides options for call forwarding when initial connection attempts to Cognigy.AI fail. For example, if the virtual agent is unavailable, calls can be rerouted to a Contact Center for live agent assistance. This call forwarding feature is configurable via the Voice Gateway Self-Service Portal.

Other Improvements for Cognigy.AI

Cognigy Virtual Agents

  • Improved by displaying a spinner in the UI while Knowledge Store deletion is in progress
  • Improved by displaying a spinner in the UI while Knowledge Source deletion or disabling is in progress
  • Added the option to set a custom background for the AI Copilot Workspace via the Copilot: Set Grid Node
  • Removed the order property from the topK results returned in Knowledge Search
  • Improved the performance of Knowledge Chunk insertion and deletion operations
  • Introduced new voices from Microsoft Azure and Elevenlabs speech providers

Cognigy Voice Gateway

  • Added the option to download a PCAP and check Register status on the Carrier page
  • Improved Text-To-Speech performance by implementing pre-caching capabilities. This improvement allows the voice agent to receive and process audio data in parallel, leading to a smoother and more responsive speech experience
  • Added logic that considers DTMF signals when they are used in combination with User Input Timeout
  • Introduced new voices from Microsoft Azure and Elevenlabs speech providers

Cognigy Insights

  • Improved by adding a scroll-up button to the dashboards
  • Improved by updating translation strings

For further information, check out our complete Release Notes here.
